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How Mani Vaya turned his passion for reading non fiction books into an online business he can run from anywhere in the world
[Clip] "I was doing it for my own sake because I wanted to learn from it..."
If you love reading non-fiction books, and you've ever dreamed of getting paid just to do that, then you're going to love this podcast.
Mani Vaya runs 2000books.com and he has successfully turned his passion for non-fiction books into a successful business that he can run from anywhere in the world.
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Mani’s Bio
Hello there! I am Mani Vaya and I am the founder of 2000 Books. I am a Physicist and Electrical & Computer Engineer and I spent 13 years in the TECH industry rising up the ranks to manage Billion $+ cellphone projects at a Fortune 500 Company. However, I gave it all up to start 2000 Books.
Over the last 5 years, I have read over 1000 books in the field of Business and Personal development. Over the last couple of years, I have been reading 7 books/week which averages to 1 book/day. I love it!
What I love even more than reading a book is breaking down those ideas, connecting them to other ideas and explaining the ideas to others.
And that was the genesis of 2000 Books. I realised that as ambitious entrepreneurs, we must a lot and constantly feed our minds with great ideas. If we read 50 books/yr for 40 years of productive life, we will end up reading 2000 books. Hence the name “2000 Books”.
I endeavour to bring you the most important actionable ideas from the world’s greatest books for ambitious entrepreneurs on a weekly basis. I sincerely hope that you will learn these ideas and use them to build great businesses.
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TheDiabolicalWaffle – My Wish